God has called you. He saw your heart before you were
formed in the womb. He is faithful and He will love you forever. Wondering what
is next? Worried about tomorrow? Feeling some despair? Seek God. Feel His
love. He is right there. The story of
the prodigal son reminds us of the love of our Father.
Even when
the son ran away from his safe and loving environment, even when he squandered
his inhertamce and lived a dangerous and decadent life, his father never
stopped loving him or hoping and praying for his return. Once you have believed
in Christ, you are sealed forever.
yourself of the loving kindness of our God. His love endures forever. Remind
yourself of His faithfulness and His ability to work through the toughest of
times. Read this verse out loud if you can.
One who called you is faithful and He will do it. 1 Thessalonians 5:24
When we turn away, You wait. When we fall into doubt,
You are faithful. When we return, Your loving arms are open wide. Pour Your
precious love on us today. You are faithful and You will do it!