I like to have a plan. Early to bed, early to rise describe my husband and me. Breakfast is typically around 6:30, lunch around 11 and dinner at 5. Each day I sort through what lies ahead for the day, for meals, for the week ahead.
I am fortunate to have some wonderful and wise girlfriends and I was able to spend a few hours with some of them over the weekend. One of them said, “Well, we have to be flexible.” Wise words.
Lately, I have been writing blogs for the week ahead as a theme, spending a few hours putting them together. Last week’s theme was finding freedom in the Holy Spirit, understanding that God will always work in us, working for His good and perfect purpose in our lives.
This week let’s listen to the Spirit, and allow Him to do something new. Each day will bring new surprises and adventures. I plan to get up at my usual time. (No surprise there!) But I will not plan what I am going to write ahead of time, trusting the Spirit to move in my life as He chooses with no plan.
What will He do in your life today?
See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up. Do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:19
If you are feeling stuck or lost, don’t be afraid. God will make a new way. He can provide clear, living water during the desert times of life. He can bring fresh blooms and new fruit, after a long cold winter. He can find a new way for us! Do you see it?
Thank You for teaching us and leading us with something new. We ask for Your Holy Spirit to show us a new path today. Thank You for the freedom that faith gives us to place our trust in You.
In Jesus name,