Our spiritual gifts are given to us to serve others. Some of
us love to open our homes to others in hospitality, (not one of my gifts!), others
find comfort in keeping things in order, the gift of administration, others
have the ability to listen patiently, with understanding and encouragment to those who
are suffering, the gifts of encouragement and mercy. Still others have the gift
of teaching and writing, the gift of shepherding a group of children or adults,
the gift to be a pastor or the gift of service, working behind the scenes, the
gift of faith, believing when others lose hope, the gift of intercessory prayer.
You can add others. (see Romans 12, 1
Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4)
God loves to see us
using our unique gifts for His purposes. When you fit in the body of Christ
right where you were meant to be, you will be filled with joy and passion and
the power of the Holy Spirit. Is God calling you to a new ministry, to be a
prayer warrior for others, to help a neighbor? Watch for His lead. Wait for the
prompting of the Spirit within and follow. He is the Great Shepherd and you
will hear His voice.
My sheep
listen to My voice. I know them and they know Me. John 10:27
Keep our ears and our hearts wide open to hear You. Guide our
ways and show us how and when to use the gifts You have given us so graciously.
Fill us with passion and with joy.