There are still more gifts of the Spirit to come! The blog will be back on June 9th.
Please tune in then to read more about your unique and distinct giftedness!
Here is a poem I wrote for a class I taught on these gifts, recognizing that we
all represent a different and necessary part of the Body of Christ. Jesus is
the head of the body. Looks like the crown and heart that were a part of this
poem did not transfer. Enjoy and have a great week.
Jesus is the
of all we say and do
As believers, we, the body,
are the vessels He works
Some will see with eyes of
led not by sight. Some will
to a weary one and humbly
share the light. With
the loving Word
we speak the truth
to those with hungry hearts

to serve, to touch, to hug to rise up in awestruck praise
in hope, in trust, to honor for all of our days
The Spirit of the living Lord
is seeking every soul
to comfort us, to guide us,
and continue to make us whole
We are His work in progress
as we mature in faith and
beginning to surrender and
to focus on things above
Will you be
warrior kneeling deep in prayer
you walk the pavement
speak boldly, will you dare?
Yes, we stand on holy ground
now and forevermore, as we await His coming
and move through heaven’s
door. Let every step we take be for His eternal glory; oh Spirit walk with us
as we continue to tell the story;
Instead, speaking the
truth in love, we will in all things grow up into Him, who is the Head, that
is, Christ. From Him the whole body, joined and held together by every
supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love as each part does its
work. Ephesians 4:15-16
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