Friday, August 11, 2017

God's Strength in Change

     The changes we deal with may be a product of our own minds. I have dealt with anxiety and panic attacks off and on since I was 14 years old (around the time of my dad’s untimely death.) They appear out of nowhere. My heart races. I want to escape, but can’t. Waves of fear and dread encompass my body and they often raise their ugly heads in the middle of the night.

     I have gone many years without them and suddenly, they are back. I find it interesting how God brought about the verses from the blogs this week to remind me. He is there. He is in charge. When I allow Him to fill my body with His peace and joy, the panic, the fear, the heart-racing will subside. Satan uses our weaknesses to stop us in our tracks from being all God has planned for us.

     God is stronger and mightier and He will bring us into His glorious rest, even iin the middle of the night. The changes this week are to bring God into my thoughts and fears. We can capture EVERY thought. Listen to this verse.

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5

     Let Christ take control of your every thought. My family and I are planning to study Joyce Meyer’s book, “The Battlefield of the Mind,” together. That is where so much of my trouble lies. Within my own head!  How about you?

Dear Lord,

Thank You for always having the right words and promises for us, just when we need them. Guide us through life changes, even the ones we bring about ourselves from within our own minds. We trust You and believe You can bring us back to hope and peace.

In Jesus name,


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