We are saved by
grace, not by works, but God has plenty for us to do. Yesterday we talked about
becoming more aware of Jesus, making Him a part of EVERY part of our lives, not
just an hour a week. He has planned the perfect places for which each one of us
to serve.
Each of us has natural abilities, spiritual
gifts and diverse personality types. You will find just the right places,
people and purposes unique to the way you are made! The spiritual gifts are
found in 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4 and Romans 12. The gifts include
everything from administration to hospitality, from encouragement to teaching,
from pastoral gifts to writing and building.
Pray about where
God wants you to serve and watch for doors to open and for others to close. You
will know with the help of the Holy Spirit. God wants our service to be a true
blessing to others and to give us joy and peace as we serve
We thank You that each one of us is fearfully and wonderfully
made. (Psalm 139) You have chosen each one of us for a time such as this to
serve in a particular way in a darkening world. We want our lights to shine; to
glorify You.
In Jesus name,
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