Today, the summer solstice marks the 5th
anniversary of writing this blog. My plan was to try to write a devotion ,each
day for a year. Like everything these days, it seems impossible that so much
time has passed. What a privilege and honor it is to write about the Savior,
the One who changed my life and gave it depth and purpose, the One who shows
all of us how to love and how to live, the One who freely offers eternal life.
Summer has
officially begun! Being legally blind, I appreciate the early mornings and late
evenings with sunlight. What a joy to savor the outdoors again.
The whole
earth is filled with awe at Your wonders, where morning dawns, where evening
fades You call forth songs of joy. Psalm 65:8
Having just
returned from a 10-day road trip to Colorado, the images, the sounds, and the
majesty of creation are engrained in my mind and my heart forever. Have you
experienced views that have left you filled with awe, mouth agape, eyes wide, unable
to speak at the sheer beauty of God’s creation?
We experienced God's awe-inspiring creation in natural hot springs, as we visited a 6-acre botanical garden and hiked to view Fish
Creek Falls. The sheer volume of sound at the base of the falls brought to mind
this verse.
calls to deep in the roar of Your waterfalls. All Your waves and breakers have
swept over me. Psalm 42:7
Deep calls to deep.
The Lord speaks to us through the magnificence of His creation. The sound was
overwhelming (and my husband appreciated it as it drowned out our voices!)
The jagged peaks of
the mountains soared above the mist of the clouds, the rushing brook alongside
the road poured over the huge rocks into the mountain canyons, the vast
amount of pine trees sheltering the wildlife we would see during out stay. There,
just outside of the car, we spied a bear, three fox, and almost 100 elk as we
drove. The elks faded into the landscape for me, but I did see three and we
both saw two moose and many deer. Such design and beauty took our breath away.
God designed and
created this earth for you and for me. It causes me to bow down and worship, to
praise His holy name.
the mountains were born or you brought forth the whole world, from everlasting
to everlasting, You are God. Psalm 90:2
Come, let
us bow down to worship, let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker. Psalm 95:6
How do we thank You for the sights, sounds and scents of Your
creation? This is our Father’s world and we thank You. Teach us to be grateful
for all You have made for us to enjoy. We sit in awe of You today.
In Jesus name,
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