Monday, January 14, 2019

An Anchor of Hope

     Crises and times of suffering can come upon us without warning, or seep into our lives gradually or may even cast their shadow over a lifetime. Two friends of ours are facing end-of-life decisions and another is finally dealing with a lifetime of hiding depression and anxiety.

     This is a fallen world. There is no escaping the tough times that may surround us. Jesus overcame the world for us. He conquered death and felt the sins, the disease, the evil, the wars and the suffering in His earthly body. We can’t imagine the pain He endured, the price He paid, and because of His suffering, He understands.

     Many times, we come to our knees at just such times of suffering. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to go another minute without recognizing my need for a Savior, a friend, a loving Father, a living Lord, a conquering King.

     We long to offer comfort and support to our friends and their families, but no one on the planet can bring more hope and peace than Jesus. His hope moves us beyond this life, into the heavens; hope beyond anything this world brings us. And He can use our suffering. I don’t completely understand it, but looking back over the decades, I recognize His presence, His power, His ability to use pain to offer solace to others, kindred spirits in need of comfort. The God of eternity offers guidance along the way. He is our anchor of hope, our foundation in a world that can bring pain.

We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain. Hebrews 6:19


We need You to get us through. Comfort those who grieve. Bring peace to those in pain and let us know and understand hope eternal. Keep us anchored in You.

In Jesus name,


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