Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Foe, Follower, Friend, Filled

     Did you know most of the world’s religions recognize Jesus? Not as Lord, but as a good man. They believe He walked the earth. Many around the world, including the United States will agree. He was a great teacher, a moral man, a life worth following. He can be our friend.

     Be careful of the New Age teachings that are combining the religions of the world. Jesus told us about a time like this, in the last days, where there will become a one-world religion and a one-world government. Things are beginning to fall into place.

     Jesus did walk the earth as a man. He was a good man, the only perfect man. The Son of God. And yes, He is our friend. Remember the Sunday School song, “What a Friend We Have in Jesus?” I still love that song and sing it to our grandson.  Jesus called many followers His friends.

     As our Lord, He is closer than our best friend, closer than our spouse, closer than our family. He is in all and through all and surrounds all. Don’t stop at the man. Jesus. He is the resurrected Lord. He is alive!

He is not here. He is risen, just as He said. Come and see the place where He lay. Matthew 28:6

     Come and see! He is risen! Without the suffering on the cross, without His resurrection, we can only see Jesus, the man. But He paid the price for us. He defeated death, and there is simply no other way.

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through Me.” John 14:6

     We can never be strong enough, moral enough, loving enough to measure up to the the man, Jesus. We all need the resurrected Christ to find our way to the Father. Let your belief soar to the heavens. Jesus has the words to eternal life. (John 6:68)


We thank You for sending Jesus to be the perfect man, for His willingness to face the cross, and for His defeat of death. He is Lord and Savior and there is no other way. Be with us as we stand on the faith.

In Jesus name,


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