The Word of God is alive. It speaks to our hearts, teaches us, guides us and changes our lives. Jesus was a Jew. The Bible was written by Jewish men and everything in it points to Jesus, foreshadows Jesus, predicts Jesus, and witnesses to Jesus.
This Easter weekend matched up with the Holy Days of the Jewish faith for only the second time in the last century. When Jesus ate the last supper in the upper room with His disciples, they were celebrating Passover. As He rode the donkey into Jerusalem, the thousands of Jewish people were bringing in their lambs to be sacrificed.
Each lamb had been examined to make sure it was without blemish, just as Jesus was looked at with a fine tooth comb to find evidence against Him. What did Pilate say?
So Pilate said to the chief priests and the crowd, “ I find no fault in this man.” Luke 23:4
The perfect Lamb of God, the perfect man, the true God was put to death at the very same hours as the lambs were being slaughtered. And Easter Sunday morning, was the celebration of the feast of firstfruits or Shavuot, the celebration of the harvest.
But each in turn. Christ, the firstfruits, then, when He comes, those who belong to Him. 1 Corinthians 15:23
Amazing! Jesus was the first to rise from the dead, the beginning of the harvest of what is to come. Everything in these last days will coincide with the Jewish traditions. Miraculous! Only God and His perfect timing. Trust everything to Him. He is in control.
Your timing is always perfect in every way. How miraculous are Your ways! We sit in awe of You and remain faithful and steadfast as we await Your return.
In Jesus name,
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