Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Trusting God With Our Hearts

     Trust Jesus with your heart. I just listened to a great sermon about the heart. Jesus always focuses on the heart. He doesn’t care about the jobs we have, the degrees we have earned, the cars we drive, or anything to do with our egos. He looks at the heart.

     Let him see what is in the depth of your heart. Is there anything He needs to remove? Forgiveness to be offered? Bitterness to be released? Envy or greed to be conquered? He is able to do just that. King Solomon tells us this about our hearts.

Above all else, guard your heart. For everything you do, flows from it. Proverbs 4:23

     Everything we do flows from within. All of our motives, our actions, our thoughts, what comes out of our mouths, all stem from the condition of our hearts. Trust God with your heart condition. Tell Him everything and release the junk. He will cleanse those thoughts and fill you with the living water offered freely from Him.

“Whoever believes in Me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” John 7:38

     Let’s work on the condition of our hearts and let Jesus flow from within them. How is the condition of your heart? Above all else, guard what lies deep within.


Show me what needs to be released to You today. Cleanse the darkness away from inside my heart and let Your free, living water begin to flow freely to the world around me.

In Jesus name,


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