Even as we have
deepened our realization that our God is a God of order and detail in His plan for
the seasons and days of our lives, we witness His creativity and unfathomable design.
His miraculous and marvelous ways are beyond our human imaginings.
God’s voice thunders in marvelous ways. He does
great things beyond our understanding. Job 37:5
For You are great and do marvelous deeds. You
alone are God. Psalm 86:10
The colors of each
tree, the numerous designs, fragrances and the varied height of each flower, the
fruits and the vegetables that grow above and below the ground, the zebra, the
giraffe, the koala bear, the panda. The swan and the eagle, the pelican and the
duck, the lizard and the armadillo. The list could go on page after page after
page. Think deeper. The stripe of the zebra and the tiger. The mane of the
lion, the minute design of the ant to the magnitude of the elephant and
rhinoceros, the mountaintop view, the expanse of the ocean. Stop and picture
more of creation right now.
Can you possibly
imagine all of the above with no
Creator? Impossible! Everything has an intricate and impossibly imaginative and
intricate design. None of this happened by chance. As we take in all that He
has given us on earth and the heavenly home He promises us in the future, we
can sink to our knees in grateful praise.
God is good, all
the time. His purposes will stand.
I make known the end from the beginning, from
ancient times what is still to come. I say, “My purpose will stand and I will
do all that I please.” Isaiah 46:10
God’s purpose will
remain. Enjoy His creation. Thank Him for the sunrise and the sunset. Praise
Him for the birds and the color of the sky, for the heart beating within, for
the beauty of our children and the gifts He gives.
We praise You for all we take for granted each day, for the
gracious gift of life, for the earth and the seasons, for our days and nights.
Thank You, Lord.
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