We blame ourselves.
We blame others. We blame God. There’s plenty of guilt to throw around. We don’t
have enough faith for healing. They deserve the suffering. Job suffered more
than most. He lost his children, his home, his livelihood and his health. His
so-called friends and even his wife blamed him. What did you do for God to
punish you like this?
As believers, we
might wonder the same. Why do we suffer? There is danger in believing we will
be prosperous, healthy and blessed every day of our lives. God walks with us
through our suffering. He may walk us through, steer us around, or miraculously
deliver us. Our suffering can draw us
closer to Him, making our faith even stronger. Job did what we need to do. He
looked up.
“The Lord
gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.” Job 1:21b
Even the disciples questioned
Jesus about a man blind from birth.
disciples asked Him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was
born blind?” John 9:2
Jesus answered:
this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, but this happened so that the
works of God might be displayed in him.”
John 9:3
Here we are
thousands of years later reading and discussing both Job and the blind man. The
man born blind was used to show the healing power of Christ. Job’s suffering
was used to show the possibility of trust even when everything is taken from us. Get rid of the guilt and look up. The one of
your heart is there in the midst of it. We just may be used to display the
works of God.
Our suffering has meaning for You. Take away our guilt or the
temptation to blame others. You meet our needs whatever we do and wherever we
are. Comfort those in grief and doubt today with Your presence. You have the
grace to cover it all.
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