Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Camping in Colossians


     Still looking up and focusing on things above? I hope so. Spiritually speaking, we will be alive forever. These old bodies will waste away, but our eternal bodies never will. Because we are united with Christ in His death, so too, are we alive with Him in His resurrection. Our earth-bound bodies and minds find this so hard to comprehend.

     God, the Father, sees only the righteousness of Christ when He sees us. As believers, the image of Christ stands in place of our sin and unrighteousness. Our names are written in heaven. We are seated with Christ forever. Feel the confidence of what this means. This puts our short lives into perspective, doesn’t it? Pitch your tent and camp there for a while.

For you died and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory. Colossians 3:3-4


We have the kingdom of heaven available to us. You have given us great treasure. It is hard to accept all of these heavenly riches. Since we have been given the kingdom, we need to share it with others. There is more than enough to go around.


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