There is no other
person on the planet like you. God’s plan for your life is different from any
other. You were born at just the right time, for just the right season, for
just these moments. You are gifted with a certain personality type, with natural,
in-born gifts to share, and when the Holy Spirit comes to live within you, God
enhances all of our attributes with gifts of His own, gifts of the Spirit.
These gifts are to be used for the common good. (See 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians
4 and Romans 12 for the gifts of the Spirit)
God’s plan will fit
perfectly, with great precision, with who you are and where you are and with
what you do best. Do you make a plan or go with the flow? Are your decisions
based on logical thinking or from the heart? Do you connect with the world with
your five senses or intuition? Gifted in administration? Love to entertain? Are
you quiet and prefer one-on-one conversation to a crowd setting? Love to teach
or to stay behind the scenes setting up for the meeting? Are you meant to
shepherd a small group or use your Biblical knowledge to help others? Are you a
All of these and
more can be used to influence the kingdom of God. The community of faith works
together as a body. Jesus is the head, and we make up the other parts. Just as
our body cannot function without all of its working parts, so our communities
cannot function without all of us working in unity.
The beautiful
thing, well, one of the many beautiful things about the body of Christ, is that
God gives special honor to the unseen, less-focused-on gifts. Do you pray for
others continually? Maybe you sharpen the pencils in the pews. Or you come
early and stay late before and after the meetings and no one knows what you are
doing. You are highly honored by our God.
God’s plan is just
right. Not too much, not too little, a one-of-a kind blueprint that fits you
like a glove. No guilt-ridden duty. No begrudging giving. Instead our gifts
will be used with joy and passion.
He will give you
the power to do what you are meant to do in ways that may seem impossible
without our Creator. He will pull out all of the stops to influence His
children on earth. He needs you, and we are in it together.
If one
part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part
rejoices with it. Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part
of it. 1 Corinthians 12:26-27
From Him
the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows
and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. Ephesians 4;16
Discovering your gifts and doing
your part is an awesome adventure. As you read God’s word, He will show you the
way you should go.
Dear Jesus,
We thank you for each part of the body of Christ all over the
world. How you orchestrate all of us to work for Your kingdom is beyond our
imaginings. Show us our part. Are we your eyes focused on a hurting world? Are
we Your hands offering a loving touch to someone in need, or Your feet going to
unsaved parts of the world? We all share Your great and powerful heart in love.
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