Have you walked
away or run away or hidden away from Christ? It is easy to move away when
things get tough. Or when life gets busy. Or when the pleasures of life take
precedence over what is best. The prodigal son ran away from his loving father.
He squandered his inheritance on loose living (Luke 15:13) and ended up feeding
pigs, the height of humiliation for a Jew, as pigs were considered unclean.
And the Scripture
says, “He came to his senses.” (v 17) When we belong to the Father and we run
away, hide away or walk away, He is waiting for us to “come to our senses.” We know deep inside where
we truly belong; under the watchful care of our shepherd, our Savior. He will
tend to us and feed us with His Word, watch over us with protection and hold us
in His loving arms. Listen to the reaction of the prodigal son’s father:
So he got
up and went to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father
saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his
arms around him and kissed him. Luke 15:20
Are you ready to be
welcomed back home? No matter how far away God seems, he is watching and
waiting, filled with compassion for you. His arms are wide open. He is our
forever home.
All those
the Father gives Me will come to Me and whoever comes to Me I will never drive
away. John 6:37
Forgive us when we move away from Your love. Guide us back to
You. We want to remain close to you and follow the path You have set before us.
Take us in Your arms once again. Your compassion and mercy are new every day.
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