Fill your hearts
with joy and gratitude for our amazing God! We can never move too far, make too
many mistakes, or run far enough away from God’s grace and mercy. Are you
dealing with guilt or shame over the past? Is it still painful? Remember, Jesus
died for every single sin, every single atrocity, every single lie, every
single word said in anger, every word of gossip, every sexual sin and the list
could go on for pages, couldn’t it?
How does our loving
God forgive? Only one perfect man could shed His holy blood to renew our souls,
to wipe the slate clean. Ask the one and only, Jesus, for forgiveness, accept
His free gift and take a deep breath. Freedom reigns. God only sees us through
Jesus. He is our redeemer, our intercessor, our intermediary, our Lord.
For there
is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man, Christ Jesus. 1
Timothy 2:5
The perfect man,
the perfect death, the perfect mediator between us and a perfect God. Forgiven,
washed clean, now and forever. Believe it.
We praise You for Your son, Jesus, for His willingness to go
to the cross for us! Dead to sins and alive in Him. Help us to understand Your
mercy and Your grace which is given lavishly to us.
In Jesus name,
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