Our daughter’s love for the group, Hanson, began when she was
about 9 years old. She adores them to this day. There was a resemblance between
her and the youngest brother in the band and, at the time, she had dreams of
joining the group. I have been to three concerts with her over the years. (none
of her friends are as enthused about this group, and mom is always ready to be
that last resort😊)
One such concert
happened to fall on her birthday and took place at the Minnesota State Fair. A
never-to-be-forgotten memory, as the brothers were available after the concert
to sign autographs.
Another of the
concerts took place at First Avenue in downtown Minneapolis. Little did I know
there would be no seats. Standing for hours in the shoes I had chosen would be
no picnic for this fifty-something-year-old mother. But God works in mysterious
That particular week
I had studied the subject of holy ground in Scripture. If you remember the
story, Moses had to take off his sandals as he stood in the presence of the
Lord. The presence of the Lord was found high on the mountain and Moses appeared
radiant as he arrived down the mountain to share with the Israelites.
My mind, at this
concert, was filled with self-pity. Would it ever end? I did like the group,
but my aching feet were about to give out and the pain was taking precedence
over the music. Just at that moment of self-focus, I looked at my radiant
daughter, singing the songs of her youth. It just so happened this particular
concert was filled with the songs from her favorite CD.
Her smile lit up
her face. I was reminded that, unlike Moses, we do not need to climb a mountain
or go to a particular place to meet God. His presence is within us and around
us. We take our holy ground with us wherever we go. I slipped off one shoe and
wiggled my toes a bit. “Ahh, yes, holy ground.” The smile on Angela’s face is
still a priceless memory.
“Do not
come any closer,” God said. “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are
standing is holy ground.” Exodus 3:5
Father God,
Remind us of the holy ground beneath us as we take You with us
wherever we go. You teach us lessons along the way as we listen to Your Holy
Spirit. Teach us Your ways.
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