Monday, September 10, 2018

Behind and Ahead

     Mistakes made, lessons learned, memories made, blessings counted. Yes, the past has it’s share of all of the above. We can’t discount it. We need to learn from it and work our way through it. And look ahead. Right?

     Unfortunately, the past can hold us hostage. It can keep us from moving forward from hurt and guilt, from abuse, from pain, from grief. Jesus offers us a way through and out. A hope and a future. Can you give everything to him?

     The past can be just that…the past. Learn from it. Gain wisdom from all you  have experienced. And listen to the voice that calls you out. The voice of the One who loves you so much. Your Savior. Your Father. Your Jesus.

     He will listen to your past hurts. And He will heal them. He will walk you through your past experience. And find a new way. He will deal with the voices from behind. And lead you to what's ahead. There is new life. There is transformation. There is deep love. Look ahead. There is a future.

Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do. Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead. Philippians 3;13


Straining toward what is ahead is no easy task. We think back. We look behind. Teach us to learn, with Your wisdom from our past and to move ahead with You in charge, using all of the past to give us hope and a future.

In Jesus name,


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