Wednesday, September 19, 2018


     Our unique talents are a part of us and so are our diverse personalities. Personalities shine from a very young age. How wonderful to watch a baby grow into their own temperament and disposition.

     How do you make decisions? Are you logical and look for the facts or do you decide from the heart and wear your emotions on your sleeve? Emotions or logic? Which one are you?

     Do you prefer to plan your day or go with the flow? Do interruptions bother you or inspire you? Some of us like lists and others want to figure things out as they go. Planners or spontenaity?

     Do you connect with the world with your five senses or your intuition? Do you need to see, touch, feel and smell your way or do you listen to your inner sense of how things work, moving below the surface of what you see and touch?

     How do you gain energy? If you are tired and need to rejuvenate do you want to be around people and places or need a quiet space by yourself? Are you, by nature, more of an introvert or an extrovert?

    You can see from all of the areas listed above, a personality is a complicated part of us. As we discover exactly how we are made, how we make decisions, how we connect with the world and how we re-energize, we discover that others view and make contact with the world in a wide variety of ways.

     If you want to dig deeper, I recommend taking the Myers-Briggs personality test. You can find it easily on line. It gives an in-depth look into all four areas listed above and you will be surprised when you see the description of your very own personality.

     God made you to be you! We often believe one of two things. 1) We need to be more like others or 2) Others need to be more like us! Let's appreciate our quirks, our eccentricities, and try to see the world through another perspective.

     Know and understand that God always looks beneath the surface as He uses our individuality to serve  Him. He needs each one of us for His purpose.

But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7

As water reflects the face, ,so one’s life reflects the heart. Proverbs 27:19


You see us from the inside out. Help us to appreciate the ways in which You have made us and to use our abilities, our temperaments and our passions to walk in Your ways.


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