Thursday, May 23, 2019

Come Lord Jesus

     Life moves through cycles of weakness and strength, of chaos and peace, of sadness and joy, of comfort and unrest. After we come to know Jesus, He sticks with us through it all and as we deepen our relationship with Him, we look more and more forward to seeing Him face-to-face and we yearn for our eternal homes.

     My grandma, Pella, made a huge impact on my life. I was lucky to have her until my late twenties. As she aged and moved into her nineties, she would often say, “I just want to go home to Jesus.” With her strong Swedish accent, she said, “Yesus,” and called me “Yudy.”  I still miss her, but the older I get the more I understand the longing that faith brings and the eternal perspective in life.

     My aunt and uncle are both in their nineties now. Along with my grandparents, they have taught by example what it means to live a life of faith. My uncle, Paul, has always been larger than life to me with his outgoing personality filled with laughter and love, with his ability to speak passionately and pray beautifully, never afraid to share His love of Christ.

     Each time I talk with him or my aunt, or receive a letter or card from them, they add the words, “Come, Lord Jesus!”  They long for His return and they long for heaven, which now includes their beloved son, Dan.

     Did you know that the disciples expected Jesus to return at any moment? The apostle Paul, too, wrote often about being ready for the soon return of Christ. Each generation believed He could return at any moment, any day, any season. We, along with generations past, should be ready as well.

     His return is imminent. About to happen at any moment. Are you ready and longing for His appearance?

So, you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect Him. Matthew 24:44

Therefore, keep watch because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. Matthew 24;42

     Keep watch. Be alert. Watch the signs and the seasons. As we witness Scripture coming true prophetically, we can be confident in our faith and in the soon return of our Lord.

When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near. Luke 21:28

     We have nothing to fear. Live with confidence in Jesus. Wait patiently and with great expectation. Each day is a blessing and our eternity is secure.

He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.” Amen. Come Lord, Jesus. Revelation 22:20


We say, “Come, Lord Jesus.” What a day it will be when we meet Him face-to-face and move into our glorious eternal home. In the meantime, keep us ready and alert, doing what You ask us to do through our lifetimes here as we await that glorious day.

In Jesus name,


Enjoy the long weekend and let’s remember those who have gone before us and those who have served to give us our freedom. See you back here on Tuesday, May 28.

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