Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Heart Conditions

      The heart is most important to our Lord. He wants us to focus on our hearts more than what is outwardly visible. Years ago, our church sponsored a small, poverty-stricken church in Mexico. The pastor from that church came to visit and one of our pastors took him to the Mall of America during his time here.

     The culture shock shook him to the core. He insisted on leaving almost immediately. His thoughts? He felt pity and sorrow for Americans, who needed all of the lights, all of the products, all of the moving to and fro to be content. He said the poor people of his congregation understood that only God can give us what we need. He saw a joy and contentment in his people that he believed was missing in those he saw here.

     His observations were enlightening and heartbreaking and true. When Jesus gives us what we need most in life, the heart will sing. We will overflow with what He has given us, His love, His hope, His soul-transforming life.

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Proverbs 4:23

     What we fill our hearts with will show. When our hearts are all about Jesus, He shines through rather than our unruly emotions or fear. His spiritual food is more important than our physical nutrition.

What goes into someone’s mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouths that is what defiles them. Matthew 15:11


Fill us with the spiritual food that brings joy and contentment and goodness and let it show. What fills our hearts will overflow to the world.

In Jesus name,


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