Sunday, March 8, 2020

Biblical Characters and You

     The Bible is filled with true stories of men and women, just like you and me. The disciples, most of them, were uneducated fishermen, chosen specifically for a time and a purpose. They doubted. They disobeyed. They acted impulsively. They competed. They failed. Just like you and me..

     You may recognize attributes of your own personality in some of these characters. You may read about someone going through a similar situation or reacting in a way that comforts you. You may agree with Martha, in her exasperation, as her sister Mary sits at the feet of Jesus when there is just so much to do!

     Your faith may be as strong as Daniels or as weak as Moses when he doubted his ability to lead the people of Israel. The list goes on and on with hundreds upon hundreds of stories written for us, to guide us in life, to meet us where we are, to offer Christ’s words as He teaches, rebukes and forgives.

     We will look at a few characters this week. Which one will echo in your heart right now? All of us are loved uniquely and completely by Jesus, right where we are, with our weaknesses and strengths, with our failures and our successes. We are His and we are in this together with the same Spirit and the same Lord.

There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work. 1 Corinthians 12:4=6


Teach us through Your word and the stories written in it. All of us are created in You to serve in different ways, to be uniquely guided by You, to be united in the same Spirit.

In Jesus name,


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