The story of Joseph and his eleven brothers is found in Genesis
37-50. Joseph became a favorite of his father, Jacob, and because of this, his
brothers grew to be jealous. They eventually conspired and sold Joseph into
slavery and told their faither he had been killed. Joseph, like Daniel, was
placed in captivity in a strange land.
And like Daniel,
the rulers, including Pharaoh could see the strong spirit of Joseph, and the
power of his God. Joseph would rise to leadership in Egypt, and years later,
there would be a famine in Canaan. Jacob
asked his sons to travel to Egypt to buy grain.
I encourage you to
read through the entire story, but after returning to Egypt the second time,
Joseph revelaed himself to his brothers, and forgave them. They had a wonderful
reunion. Forgiveness, love and nourishment were offered. You may have heard
these beautiful words of Joseph to his brothers.
You intended to harm me, but God intended it for
good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. Genesis
A reminder to all
of us. God’s ways are so much higher than ours. His plans go beyond our short
lives to eternity and He always works His purposes for good. If you are
sinking, focus your gaze on Christ. If you have fallen short, allow Christ to
forgive you and put you on the right path. If you are discouraged, and upset at
the behavior of someone else, concentrate only on what you are doing, with the
help of Christ. If the circumstances look impossible, allow Christ to give you
perspective and hope and ask Him to work good through it all. Everything, all
of it, comes back to him.
These Biblical examples offer us glimpses into all of the
marvelous ways you work in our lives. Your unending patience with us as you
shower us with grace, knows no bounds and we thank You for continually teaching
In Jesus name,
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