Monday, December 21, 2020

Look for the Light


     Today is the shortest day of the year; the winter solstice. The sun comes up late and goes down early. We could choose to focus on the darkness. Or we could watch for the first rays of the dawn. The shortest and darkest day of the year is the end of one season and the beginning of another.

     With God, each ending brings a new beginning. Each omega brings the promise of another alpha. Darkness comes just before the dawn. Satan wants us to focus on the darkness. He confuses darkness with light and sometimes we are fooled. We talk ourselves into staying in a dark place. It feels comfortable. We make the best of it.

     God offers full light, beacons of hope before the fullness of the sun. His hope is always there. Brightness is ahead. Full summer days to bask in His light. Let the hope of fresh beginnings fill you this morning. Take a deep breath and watch for the dawn. Count your blessings and pray for fresh light.

See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up. Do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:19


We wait in hope for the new beginnings you have in store for us. Shine your beacon of hope through the darkness of these days. You are making a new path for us. You are the God of new beginnings.

In Jesus name,


NOTE: Even though Saturn and Jupiter are millions of miles apart tonight in the Southwest sky they will appear close together. Some are calling it “The Christmas Star." Watch for it just after sunset.


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