Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Heavenly Power


     Thanks for allowing me to whine about such an insignificant topic as a vacation gone wrong. We are regaining our energy after our grueling road trip, the crowds, the noisy neighbors, the impossible lines. How do you find new strength after a tiring trip, a long day, a health crisis, a stressful day at work? Some of us work out. Some of us go to the mall. Some of us call friends. My elixir is solitude. Solitude revitalizes me. My favorite type of day includes a long walk, and time to reflect, write and read. Digging in the garden is a slice of heaven for me. And chocolate never hurts.

     Seeing the kids and grandkids always helps and we missed them terribly. The years continue to fly by as they continue to grow too fast and we grow ever older. Find a way to re-energize.  Allow the Holy Spirit to fill you with His kind of strength. It is a supernatural power able to sustain us at all times.

     Feel the essence and power of the Holy Spirit within you and conquer your fear and exhaustion. He will renew your strength, until you are filled with His heavenly power.

Therefore, I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you with the laying on of my hands. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:6-7


Help us to stir up the gifts You make available to us. We need Your kind of love and power. Keep our minds steadfastly focused on You.

In Jesus name,


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