Friday, May 31, 2024

God Is Like...


     My parents died much too young. My mom passed away the day after our wedding. It was a trough time of grief and also such happiness that I had my love to see me through. As we were leaving the cemetery after my mom’s funeral my brand-new mother-in-law said these words, “Now I have two daughters.”  The absolute perfect sentiment for me at that moment.

     I was blessed to have my in-laws for twenty-five years and they became another mom and dad to me. Florence and I spoke often of faith.  She gave me this list she had written on a note pad.  Some of you may not remember all of these ads, but enjoy!  And enjoy the weekend!


God is like:

Ford: He has a better idea.

Bayer: He works miracles.

Coke: He’s the real thing.

Hallmark cards: He cares enough to send the very best!

Tide: He gets the stains out that others leave behind.

General electric: He brings good things to life.

Sears: He has everything.

Alka-selzer: Try Him, you’ll like Him.

Scotch tape: You can’t see Him, but you know He’s there.

Delta: He’s ready when you are.

Allstate: You’re in good hands with Him.

VO 5 hair spray: He holds through all kinds of weather.

Dial soap: Aren’t you glad you have Him? Don’t you wish everyone did?

The Post Office: Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet, nor ice will keep Him from His appointed destination.


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