The examples of God
working through lives are endless and they are eternal. The Spirit-filled life
is one of abundance, deep joy and peace. The blessings of God act as stepping
stones to guide us on the path ahead. As our trust and faith grow, as we rely
more and more on the secure foundation of Christ, we can walk in hope and show
the world around us that everything in life brings us to the One thing we need.
It is Christ.
We have
this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner
sanctuary behind the curtain. Hebrews 6:19
The words in the
verse above give us strength. We have an anchor for our souls, where it matters
most, firm and secure, always hopeful. We can enter the very throne-room of
heaven with anything and everything and He is there. Jesus experienced every
single emotion, every single temptation, every tribulation we will encounter.
He felt every sin, felt the agony of each disease, suffered the pain and loss
of being separate from His Father in heaven for the first time. He knows. He
has been there.
Life is precious
and fragile. It is exhilarating and frightening. It is filled with happiness
and sadness, with hope and despair, and with Christ, we will get through it all
in triumph. He has overcome death for us! There is no more fear with Him. His
perfect love is forever.
There is
no fear in love. But perfect love casts out fear, because fear has to do with
punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18
His mysterious ways
will remain until that glorious day we walk through heaven’s door forever. All
of our questions will be set to rest, all of our hopes realized, all of our fears
unfounded, all uncertainty gone, no more pain, no more tears, only perfect love
forever. Keep that foundation of faith with you each unsteady step of the way.
The anchor of Christ is secure and it is lasting.
Have I
not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid. Do not be
discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9
Whatever life holds, You hold us. Our fear keeps us from
trusting You. Our worries about tomorrow rob us of the joys of today. Be with
us wherever we go. You promise to never leave us nor forsake us. Your
perfect love will stay with us.
In Jesus name,
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