Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Suffering Superheroes


     Our superhero, Gavin, became quite ill right after Thanksgiving. An ear infection hadn’t cleared up with the first antibiotic and he suffered from stomach pain and fever. He missed several days of school. After a few visits to urgent care and the doctor, he was found to be constipated and is now doing well.

     He taught me a valuable lesson on one of those sick days spent with us. He had little energy and had not eaten much for a few days. He gave a valiant effort in playing his super-hero games. I found a plastic snowflake ring that he manifested into the Green Hornet’s power ring. As we sat by the window, he noticed the ring “deflected” the sun and turned the ring into colors. Our six-year-old is not only a cute super hero but a brilliant one as well.

     He remained tired and weak throughout the day. I coaxed him to the kitchen table and tried to get him to eat a couple bites of my chicken noodle soup. He laid his head on the table and said, “Nana, I had such a fun morning. Thank you.”

     Even then, he was grateful. This gesture of thanks stopped me in my tracks and brought tears to my eyes. Maybe we need to look up in our suffering and offer praise and thanks to God, for any little thing in our lives. Gavin taught me that valuable lesson. After all, even suffering super heroes need to be surrounded by love. Let’s be grateful.

Cast all your cares on Him, for He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

Give thanks in all circumstances for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18


Thank You for the gifts and lessons we take in from our grandkids. Protect them as they grow and we pray they grow to love You as much as we do.Thank You for loving us. Help us to remain grateful even when it is difficult.

In Jesus name,



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