Friday, July 6, 2018

A Quiet Place

     This is my favorite time of the day. Early morning, just me and the Lord, praying, soaking up God’s Word and writing. It is tough to find a quiet place these days, would you agree? It is a busy, noisy world. We hustle and bustle from one place to the next and when we do have a free minute, we pull out our phones and peek at social media.

     Daniel was given many prophecies about the last days around 600 B.C.  One verse came to mind yesterday, a verse you might find interesting about the last days.

But you, Daniel, roll up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will run to and fro, and knowledge will increase. Daniel 12:4

     My husband and I have had a couple of days this week to ourselves, with nothing specific planned. (My favorite kind of days) The weather was perfect yesterday and we took off for a ride in our little, red convertible and took a long walk.

     As an introvert by nature, I crave quiet days. But, as we ventured out, I began to lose my dream of a peaceful day. Lawn mowers roared, weed trimmers whirred, airplanes flew overhead, dogs barked, garbage trucks rattled, rap music blared from a nearby car. Noise surrounded us. It is life in our modern generation. People moving to and fro, Here and there, in a noisy, zany world.

     The weeds in my gardens were calling my name, as we came home from our ride. Digging in the dirt is another passion, another way to get away. But, as usual, when God has a message, the noise followed me. Our next-door neighbor happened to be power-washing his deck, the neighbor across the street was starting up his riding lawn mower and the kids were playing basketball. Thump…thump…thump…

     Jesus found it important to get away from the noise of his day. Imagine no airplanes or cars, no motors, just people moving slowly from one place to the next. He needed a quiet place to meet with His Father in heaven. So do you and so do I.

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place where He prayed. Mark 1;35

     Quiet time with Jesus fills us with His presence, feeds us with His Word, finds us with real time to pray. Here are His words of invitation to us.

“Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” Mark 6:31b

     Rest from the world. Rest from the hustle and bustle. Rest in this early morning hour.This time fills me with strength and joy for the day ahead. There is no more powerful time than the time we spend in His presence and listen for His voice.  And the times are few and far between. Find some time. Find Him and rest for awhile.


Help us to listen to Your invitation to come away with You to a quiet place. It isn’t easy in the times in which we live. You understand. You prophesied about a time such as this. Guide us into listening for You in the midst of a noisy and chaotic world.


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