Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Memorable Moments

     My sweet neighbor, Phyllis, is 87 years old. This week I brought our 6-month old grandson to visit. He gave her an immediate, huge smile. He loved her, just as I do. She has slowed down over the last two years, after an aortic dissection. Her short-term memory is not good, but she continues to have a sweet countenance and her love of Christ is inspiring and infectious.

     We have so many memorable moments together, including this recent visit. She and I and our friend, Connie, have met each Wednesday, with little interruption, for the past seventeen years. We pray, we study the Bible and we invest in each other’s lives, to listen, to love, and to pray.

     We have shared even the most intimate details of our lives and the lives of our families with trust and hope. I am eternally grateful.  Both of these older women in my life have shared their faith and their time over and over. Because of my eyesight, they have offered countless rides to and from church, to visit my husband after his stroke and the list goes on and on.

     I tell them I am asking Jesus for a red chariot in heaven to give them rides once we are all together in eternity! For now, I count my blessings that they are still here.

A friend loves at all times. Proverbs 17:17a

     Is there someone in your life you need to visit? Do you need to share just how much someone has meant to you over the years? My list is long and I pray my friends and my family know how much they mean to me. And my sisters in Christ and I dive deep into the things of God. What a gift!

These are the deep things God has revealed to us by His Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. 1 Corinthians 2:10


Today we thank You for sweet blessings in friendship. Friendship spans the generations as we learn from one another. Be with Phyllis and Connie today and give each of them a sweet blessing from You. They live to serve You and bring light to others.


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