Thursday, June 27, 2019

A Frustrating Day

     Our summer vacation is here. With our great day-job during the school year of watching our 1-year-old grandson and the wedding planning, it has been a whirlwind year, filled with unexpected joys and exhaustion! I give my husband credit. Believe me, it isn’t easy living with a legally blind wife on even an ordinary day.

     As my eyes continue to deteriorate, he steps in to, well…honestly…clean up behind me! I miss so much as I cook, as I clean, as I walk through my days hesitantly. The missteps and fear can take over. He wants me to trust his lead, but I tend to hold back when I sense a step or a problem ahead. It’s as if he is leading an obstinate puppy or a petulant five-year-old. You can feel his pain.

     He gets the medal of honor for being patient and kind and trying to navigate life with me and for me. We do appreciate each other for the differences in our personalities, in our decision-making, in our logic vs. creativity perspectives. But, now and again, we hit a wall of frustration. You, too?

     After the exhaustion of the wedding, my emotions got the better of me and I felt like I was letting him down. It happens every now and again, when my eyes take another drop or the bumps and bruises or hesitations take their toll. This devotion is for him. God gave him to me for a reason and he has faithfully walked alongside me for 34 years. He is honest, trustworthy and kind-hearted, a great husband and the best dad and grandpa I don’t tell him enough, even though our love for each other is forever and deep and real.

      So today, dear husband, take a bow. You deserve it. There are no words of appreciation strong enough, no special words of love meaningful enough, no message perfect enough, to thank you.

     My flaws are many, but love conquers all.

Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8


We thank You for the gift of marriage, which You designed. Help us to see each other through Your eyes, through the irritations and annoyances. Thank You for my wonderful husband and for helping us cover a multitude of sins.

In Jesus name,


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