This living water is given to us through the Holy Spirit of the living God. This Spirit fills us with the abundant life, a life that can be lived through the heart, a life able to recognize what is important and vital to God, rather than what we see with our earthly eyes.
Jesus wants us to guard our hearts and minds at all times, being filled with His Word and with His Spirit. He always judges the heart of the matter
Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life. Proverbs 4:23
God watches over our hearts. He understands our motives. He longs to take over the use of our hearts to show to the world around us. He always, always sees the heart, not the outward appearances of our lives. (see Samuel 16:7)
What is the condition of your heart? Do you try to see through your spiritual eyes into the lives of others, or are you judging by behavior, looks and the things that irritate you? It’s difficult to be a human being isn’t it? It’s hard not to compare, compete, judge, be critical or to think we know what is going on within the heart of another. Jesus changes that. He knows our histories and our stories and His will is to fill our hearts with Him.
Show us how to love like You. It appears to be nearly impossible day-to-day. We can only do it when we fill up on Your word and understand Your ways. Let Your Spirit guide us as we move along in our lives, giving us more wisdom and understanding each day.
In Jesus name,
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