Wednesday, June 19, 2019


     God has planned a life of adventure made just for you. Faith is not a classroom, (or a church pew) where we take in knowledge, comfort and love for ourselves. God wants us to study His Word, to be familiar with His character, with His love, with His expectations, with His views on everything so we can make a difference in the world around us.

     After all, He created everything. He has the right to be in charge! The world has gone off the deep end in finding ways to make Jesus insignificant or just one of many. For example, He was a good man and we can learn from His example. As C.S. Lewis reminded us. (my paraphrase) If we read the words of Jesus, He was either a lunatic, a liar or He is Lord.

     Jesus is Savior, the way, the truth and the life. He explained everything and the Bible, from the very first bite of the apple, points to redemption through Him and to the hope of a Messiah.

     When we put into practice all He says and when we walk in step with the Spirit, He will open doors of opportunity we could never imagine. The greatest gift for any of us is to share the Gospel.

     Do you know the Gospel? Have you shared it with others? It is simple and profound. The need for a Savior ultimately brings us to our knees, as we long for forgiveness, as we recognize our need to be loved, to belong. And there it is! The truth of His sinless life, the agonizing death as He shed His holy blood and suffered all of our sins, the beauty of the resurrection and the offer of freedom from death.

     Believe it! Share it! Watch for the next adventure. It is right around the corner. Adventure with a purpose just the way God planned it. So often it is easier to sit in our comfortable pews with people that look like us, act like us and speak like us, isn’t it?

     Jesus and His disciples and those in the early church took risks. They went into places others avoided. Jesus spoke with prostitutes and tax collectors. And the religious leaders at the time? Here is what they thought.

But the Pharisees and teachers of the law muttered, “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.” Luke 15:7

    They were appalled when Jesus healed on the Sabbath. They didn’t like that He ate and drank and enjoyed time with His friends.

The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, “Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.” But wisdom proved right by her deeds. Matthew 11:19

     We can practice the presence of Christ and His ways wherever we go, with an expectation of new opportunities ahead. Where will He take us next? Who will we sit next to on the plane? Who will we meet at work? What opportunities will He place right in front of our noses? Don’t miss out. There is nothing like being a Christian in a world starved for Him.


Open doors of adventure to us. Help us not to judge as the Pharisees did, but always, always speak Your truth in love. Your ways are always best even when we don’t agree with them.

In Jesus name,

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