Monday, February 17, 2020

Fruit of the Spirit/Kindness

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.  Galatians 5:22-23

     If you are stopping by for the first time or haven’t been here in awhile, please read through last week’s blogs. The fruit of the Spirit listed in the verses above will grow in us as we view the world through the lens of Christ. From His vantage point, He can see into the hearts of man. Jesus may trim something from our lives or even take the ax once in awhile to grow healthier fruit. Let’s continue with the fruit of kindness, and check in, once again, with Joyful Jenny.

     JJ’s daughter, Kind Katie, is heading out the door with cookies for their next-door neighbor, Crabby Cathy and JJ marvels at the relationship between this unlikely duo. Katie has never had a problem with their crabby and critical neighbor. The relationship began when Katie was only five years old. The first time they met she went right up and held Cathy’s hand. Cathy, in return, has never said an unkind word to Kind Katie and the two have become fast friends.

     JJ realizes that her daughter has taught her just as much about following Jesus as the women of faith in her life. Katie still sings a song she learned in church as a kindergartner based on Ephesians 4:32.

Be kind, one to another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, even as God, in Christ, has forgiven you. Too, too, toodily, too, Ephesians 4:32.  Yeah!

     Katie comes home after an hour or so and tells her mom CC is healing just fine after her knee surgery. Today she confided in the twenty-one-year-old Kate about her own critical father.

     And her kind-hearted daughter said, “See mom, I know it hasn’t been easy for you to be nice to Cathy, but she never had a loving father like we both did. I told her she has a loving Father in heaven and He will love her enough to make up for it.”

    Be kind one to another. It’s worth a try. And if we are patient and joy-filled with peace in our hearts who knows what might happen with the Crabby Cathy’s in our lives?

Dear Father in heaven,

Thank you for loving us so much that Your Son, Jesus, suffered on the cross and took all of our sins on His own shoulders. That kind of love is available to us through Your Holy Spirit. Continue to grow that precious fruit within us as we head out the door today.  Show us how to be kind and tenderhearted to those around us.


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