The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit. John 3:8
Following the Spirit’s lead can be exhilarating, puzzling, surprising, perplexing and even frightening. Keeping in step with the Spirit of God will bring challenges, and even fear of the unknown when we need to take a leap of faith. Think about the wind. John’s Gospel compares our lives as born again Spirit-filled believers to the wind.
How does the wind affect us? The answers can be as varied as a life lived in the presence of God. The wind can direct us, change us, move us and touch us. The wind can knock us from our feet, force us to turn around, refresh us, invigorate us, whisper with softness, or shout with its strength. A strong gust out of nowhere can surprise us and a gentle breeze can soothe us.
The wind can steer us off of a prepared course as we face the unknown. Are you ready to allow the Spirit of God to move you in unexpected ways? Even when we aren’t listening or following, God will get us back on track with His glorious Holy Spirit.
The wind blows to the south and turns to the north, round and round it goes, ever returning on its course. Ecclesiastes 1:6
Wherever the Spirit leads, it always returns to its course, our loving Father.
Dear Father in heaven,
Make us aware of Your Holy Spirit today, whether in the softness of a whisper or the shout of a gust of sheer power. Keep us from fear when You ask us to change direction. Bring us back to our feet if we have been knocked down and keep us steady when the wind is rising before us. Keep us on Your course wherever and however the wind blows in the Spirit.
In Jesus name,
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