Friday, February 21, 2020

Fruit of the Spirit/Self-Control

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.  Galatians 5:22-23

    What comes to mind when you hear the term, “self-control?” Diet, discipline, duty? Sounds like some hard work here. How do we grow this fruit of the Spirit? Jesus told us to remain in Him. He is the vine and we are the branches. He makes this fruit grow naturally in us. Could we call this fruit our Spirit-controlled self?

     I like to think of love and self-control as the bookends to all of the fruit. We need both to begin to flow in joy, peace, patience and all of the other attributes. God’s love is so powerful it can fill us to the brim until it overflows with fruit to be used in our contact with others.

     Without the Holy Spirit’s guidance, all we have is our own mind, body and emotions to rely on. Following the desires of our own flesh and emotions can take us into some dangerous territory, as we react to the people and situations surrounding us on a daily basis. This Spirit-controlled self can come in handy.

    That Holy Spirit nudge might find you calling a friend, even when you don’t have time. He might use your teeth to bite your tongue when that anger boils up within, and, miraculously, words of gentleness are spoken with love. The Holy Spirit can work on us with those pruning shears of Christ in all areas of life. Our Spirit-controlled self may be able to say, “No!” to that third piece of chocolate. My emotions are still winning on that one.

     Taking the time to grow in the things of the Spirit takes time. God’s patience with us never wears thin. When we stumble, He picks us back up, dusts off the flesh, and moves us again into the Holy mountain where He lives. The Lord never gave up on the Israelites on their way to the promised land. They turned away from Him, time and time again. In fact, it took them 40 years to make what should have been an 11-hour journey.

     Remember we are on the way to our promised land. Let’s make the trip count. Jesus loves you. Allow the gardener with those pruning shears and loving touch do His work as He begins to control even those old habits of ours.

Dear Jesus,

Teach us how to control our minds, bodies and emotions under the control of Your Holy Spirit. We know Your work in us will bring all of the good fruit You provide. Guide us as we listen for Your voice above all of the other noise around us today and every day.




But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.  Galatians 5:22-23

     Thanks for walking and reading along with me over the last two weeks. Watch as we grow with the healthy fruit of the Spirit.

     Be filled with the love of Christ, the joy of His salvation, the peace that passes understanding, waiting patiently for His timing, showing kindness to others, knowing God brings good in ALL things, growing in our faith to trust Him in EVERYTHING, feeling His gentle touch when we need it most, as we allow the Holy Spirit within us to control our lives!

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