As the apostle, John, is given the vision to write of the
events of the very last days on earth, He witnesses the glorified Christ. Our
Jesus sits in heaven. He is alive and well, watching over us. Are you sitting
in darkness? Is there a huge burden on your soul? Are you bearing a grief and
sit in deepest sorrow?
Jesus sees through
your darkness. Nothing is hidden from Him. He understands your pain and will
heal your deepest need. Let Him comfort you. He will penetrate the darkness
with His unending love for you.
reveals deep and hidden things; He knows what dwells in darkness and light
dwells with Him. Daniel 2:22
Even the
darkness will not be dark to You; the night will shine like the day for
darkness is as light to You. Psalm
John’s vision of the glorified
Christ includes these words from the book of Revelation.
The hair
on His head was white as wool, as white as snow and His eyes were like blazing
fire. Revelation 1:14
This pure and holy
Christ has eyes like burning fire, penetrating, wise eyes, filled with love.
Allow this bright and burning fire to shine through your darkness. The light of
Christ will comfort, cleanse and heal. He is with you in your darkest night. He
sees right through to your tear-drenched soul. Allow Him to be your Savior.
You have suffered. You understand. Your everlasting, glorified
light is available to those in deep hurt. Shine Your light in the darkness
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