Friday, April 19, 2024

Nothing Will Seperate Us


    God’s peace and strength can be counted on through the most difficult of times. We see this through the Bible over and over again. David praises God as he sits surrounded by his enemies and after the death of his son. Job reminds himself that his Redeemer lives as he suffers the loss of his loved ones, his wealth and his health. Jeremiah trusts and praises God in his loneliness and persecution. So often, they appreciate God in the creation around them.

     Let’s remember to soak in God’s love in the world around us. It was created for you and me. Stop to take in the sights and sounds surrounding you. Take in the beauty of a lake or the ocean. Smell the fresh air this spring, after a cleansing rain. Raise your face to the warmth of the sun and praise your God. Every breath of life is precious. And our Redeemer lives. Even death won’t take us out of His grasp.

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39


Give us Your love and peace as we witness the miraculous and the mundane surrounding us. Each moment is a gift. Give us Your strength to get through the most-dire circumstances with the understanding that nothing in all creation can separate us from You. Nothing, ever.



Thursday, April 18, 2024

Hope and a Future


     The writers of the Old Testament, the prophets of old and the disciples faced great persecution. Many were killed for their witness. Jeremiah was no exception to the ridicule and persecution. He was called by God at a very young age. In fact, he told God he was too young to speak. But God used him in a mighty way.

     As usual, Israel did not listen to the prophetic word. Jeremiah never gave up As was true in Job’s story, Jeremiah also continued to praise God through his own deep suffering and fear.

“He made the earth by His power; He founded the world by His wisdom and stretched out the heavens by His understanding. When He thunders the waters in the heavens roar; He makes clouds rise from the ends of the earth. He sends lightning with the rain and brings out the wind from His storehouses.  Jeremiah 51:15-16

    Even in Israel’s disobedience, Jeremiah offers hope. He offers hope to you and me in these familiar words. Let Jesus bring hope to your heart today. His creation speaks to us from the heavens above. One day all of our hopes will be realized forever.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans for hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11


Thank You for Your words of hope. The prophets speak to us over the ages of Your hope and Your wisdom, of Your understanding and Your sovereignty, of Your mighty ways beyond our comprehension. We place our future in Your hands. You, alone, know the number of our days.

In Jesus name,


Wednesday, April 17, 2024

My Redeemer Lives!


     As we marvel at God’s creation, as we stare into the endless sky or witness the vast expanse of the ocean or the majesty of a mighty oak, or the grace of the bald eagle, we come to a place of humility and reverence. How gracious and great is our God!.

How great is God-beyond our understanding! The number of His years is past finding out. He draws up the drops of water, which distill as rain in the streams. The clouds pour down their moisture and abundant showers fall on mankind. Who can understand how He spreads out the clouds, how He thunders from His pavilion? See how He scatters His lightning around Him bathing the depths of the sea. Job 36:26-30

     Job speaks of the wonders of God even as he suffered as much or more than anyone. He lost his wealth, his home, his children and his health. His friends offered no help, other than to ask what he had done to deserve it all. Job never lost faith in his God. He understood the magnitude of this mighty God that rose above and beyond all of earth’s suffering. You can hear the agony in Job’s words in Job 19 as he scolds his friends and lists all he has suffered. And yet He trusts. At the end of his long list of trials, He praises.

I know that my redeemer lives and that in the end He will stand on the earth. And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God. I myself will see Him with my own eyes-I and not another. How my heart yearns within me! Job 19:25-27


As we witness Your majesty in the skies, the seas the timing of the seasons and all of Your creation, we are reminded of Your eternal ways. Help us to rise above our suffering and trust the Almighty God of yesterday, today and tomorrow. Our hearts yearn, along with Job, to see You. Our redeemer lives!

In Jesus name,


Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Let There Be Light


And God said, “Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve to mark sacred times, and days and years, and let them be lights in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth.” And it was so. God made two great lights-the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars.  God set them in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth to govern the day and the night and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:14-18

     God set them in the vault of the sky. Sounds so simple, doesn’t it? We set the table. God sets the moon, the sun and the stars in the sky. Did you know the Bible called the earth a sphere long before man confirmed its roundness? (Isaiah 40:22) The Bible also tells us that the earth hangs in the sky. (Job 26:7) Amazing! As science, history and archeology continue to unearth their findings, the Bible stands true.

     And God saw that it was good as He set the moon and the sun and the stars to govern our seasons, our days and our nights. The eclipse last week was breathtaking. A full moon, high-beamed spotlight shining for all to see, a sunrise or sunset over a body of water, the constellations in the night sky. All of these wonders created for us. I am grateful. How about you?

     Our miraculous God not only numbers the hairs on our heads (Luke 12:7) He also numbers and names the stars, the infinite number of stars. (Psalm 147:4) Our eternal, infinite, miracle-working, Creator God deserves our unending praise.


How wondrous are Your ways! We sit in awe and reverence of You and all You give us. Remind us to witness Your glory today as we watch the day turn to night, as we gaze at the stars You have named and numbered, as we sit on the globe hanging in the sky.

In Jesus name,


Monday, April 15, 2024

It Was Very Good


     God spoke and created the heavens and the earth. There is no way for the human mind to comprehend it. Imagine the stripe of the zebra, the pug nose of the koala, the majestic lion, the fragile butterfly, the calls and colors of a variety of birds, the colorful array of flowers from the 8-foot sunflower to the delicate crocus, the scent of the rose, or the fragrance of fresh mint or ginger. The creation surrounding us boggles the mind.

     God spoke it into being through His word. And the word is Jesus.

The word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the one and only Son, sent from the Father full of grace and truth. John 1:14

     He breathed life into the first man created from dust, the woman from his rib. Notice creation around you today and take it in. Breathe it in. Appreciate all God gave us to enjoy, from relationships to the morning sunrise and the evening sunset, day after day, month after month, season after season; The earth is the perfect distance from the sun rotating faithfully for our pleasure.

     Looking for a miracle? Get a little closer to creation. Hug a friend. Notice the bird’s song. Soak it in. Take in a little vitamin D on your lunch break. Look up at the stars. The list is endless. He made it for you and me. And it brought Him pleasure.

God saw all that He had made and it was very good. And there was morning and there was evening-the sixth day. Genesis 1:31

How many are Your works, Lord! In wisdom You made them all; the earth is full of Your creatures. There is the sea, vast and spacious, teeming with creatures beyond number- living things both large and small. Psalm 104:24-25


We praise You for the creation around us. We thank You for our food, for the seasons, for the glorious lights in the sky, for the animals surrounding us with all of their wonder, for the birds and the flowers and for the ability to love. Remind us to praise You in appreciation for all we have around us each day. Most of all, thank You for Jesus.


Friday, April 12, 2024

No More Night


     As we focus on light and love this week, remember when this life is through, we will live in the full, undimmed light of Christ. Did you know He is the lamp of heaven? There will be no more night, no more darkness, only glorious light.

The sun will no more be your light by day, nor will the brightness of the moon shine on you, for the Lord will be your everlasting light and your God will be your glory. Your sun will never set again, and your moon will wane no more. The Lord will be your everlasting light and your days of sorrow will end.  Isaiah 60:19-20

     No more sun, no more moon, God will be our everlasting light and Jesus?

The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light and the Lamb is the lamp. Revelation 21:23

There will be no more night. They will not need the light of a lamp, or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light and they will reign forever and ever. Revelation 22:5

     One day, the light will shine forever and ever. No more night. No more tears. Our sorrow will end. The glory of the Lord will be our light and the Lamb, the lamp. Amen

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Light of Life


     Jesus is the light of life. I love that term, “light of life.” Darkness appears to reign all around us, doesn’t it? Darkness is equated to evil in the Bible, but our God offers the light of life. And light always exposes darkness. Light has the power of God, and Jesus is the light.

In Him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it. John 1:5

When Jesus spoke again to the people, He said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8;12

     Let’s overcome darkness with light. We follow Him and we walk in the light. Remember that today. Turn on the light within your soul and allow Christ to shine through wherever you go.


You are the light of life and the darkness has no power to overcome it. You are in all and through all and all things were made for You. Give us the light of life on this day.
