Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Jesus and the Church

     Representing Jesus is such an honor. As we grow more as His disciples, we learn to rely more and more on Him and less and less on ourselves. Relying on Him brings humility. Think about what we were before Christ! The world and our flesh ran our lives as we moved to and fro, trying to find peace, trying to find or buy happiness, throwing away our resources on temporal things and unhealthy lifestyles. And now, we know Him. We understand unconditional and sacrificial love and we can share His compassion as we look at the hurting world around us.

We are, therefore, Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making His appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God. 2 Corinthians 5:20

     We are the church. “Church” is not a brick and mortar building. It is not one denomination over another. The church is us, the living, breathing, Spirit-filled believers around the globe. Jesus sees His believers as part of His body, each moving part playing a specific and unique role. Where do you fit? Are you the hands of Christ serving others? Are you representing His heart as you pray for and encourage others? Are you His feet moving around the globe as a missionary? Are you His eyes and ears watching and waiting for an opportunity to listen, to share? Represent Him wherever you are. You are placed at this time and in this season for a reason. To glorify Him.


Show us how to represent You. We represent our heavenly home as strangers away from our home country. Heaven’s power is available to us through Your Holy Spirit. Fill us with that power as we walk and listen and serve today.


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