Monday, July 10, 2017

Purpose and Passion

     It has been four years since I began writing this blog. The joys of digging into God’s Word and passing His truth along is as much for me as for anyone else. To those of you who stop in daily or now and then, I am grateful to you and I continue to pray for you.

     I pray God continues to open our hearts to Him and all He has in store for us. His promises are eternal and life-changing. The self-discipline of rising with the dawn and starting my days here, at the computer with Jesus, have deepened my faith and given new meaning to everyday life.

     The perspective God shares with us, about us, and through us is invaluable. His vision is eternally-bound and yet He understands our earthly living. He has been here. He has walked on the desert paths of the Middle East. He has experienced hunger and weariness and He has been overwhelmed with grief and with joy. How He has suffered for you and me. Before His death, He prayed for Himself, He prayed for His followers then and He prayed for us. You can read through this entire prayer-filled dialogue in John 17. Here it is in part:

“My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in Me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as You are in Me and I am in You. May they also be in us, so that the world may believe that You have sent me. John 17:20-21

     Such powerful and beautiful words from our Savior, that we may be in Him and His Father. Why? So that the world may believe. Our purpose as believers? That others will know the truth. Here is the end of this long chapter of prayer, some of the last words of Jesus on earth.

I have made You known to them, and will continue to make You known in order that the love You have for Me may be in them and that I myself may be in them. John 17:26

     To make the world believe. How? Because of the love we have within us with Christ. Soak in those words as you begin your day. I will, too.


Thank You for the love You have shared and for the vision You give us to inspire others to believe. Thank You for the privilege of reading the very Words of the Creator of the world, to know You, to live with the Holy Spirit within us and to trust us with the opportunities You give us. Continue to keep us the paths You desire.


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