Wednesday, July 5, 2017

The Joy of the Lord

     Joy. Have you experienced joy? Where do you find joy? Is it elusive and rare? Joy-filled times in my life are etched forever in my mind. A new bicycle. Dancing until the wee hours of the morning. The times I still had my mom and dad around to love me unconditionally. The day I said, “I do.” The births of our daughters and watching them grow. The list is endless, isn’t it? Joy-filled times are most often found as we share life with friends and family and with our true love, if we are lucky enough to have them.

     But Biblical joy goes deeper. Biblical joy is not rare or elusive. It is available every day. Deep=seeded joy grows in our life with Christ. If everything in life is falling apart, remember Jesus died for you. He is here. He is near. He is available and we will be with Him one day forever and ever. Let this joy give you strength. This is a favorite of mine:

“This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10b

     You are walking on holy ground with Jesus. Let His kind of joy fill you with strength to take on the day. His joy is your strength.


Your joy is soul-deep and available each day. Fill us up with spiritual joy as we go about our tasks today and teach us to savor the moments of earthly joy as we travel through life.


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