Don’t you
know that the Lord, the God of Israel, has given the kingship of Israel to
David and his descendants forever by a covenant of salt? 2 Chronicles 13:5
Salt is sprinkled
throughout the Old and New Testaments. (Pardon the pun) According to the rules
of sacrifice, the Israelites were to put salt both on the meat and the grain
offerings. (Numbers 18 and Leviticus 2)
A covenant is a sacred oath, a promise of God’s faithfulness.
God used some
unusual objects in His covenants. With Noah, the rainbow. (Genesis 9) With
Abraham, the stars. (Genesis 15) With Moses, tablets of stone. (Exodus 34) And
the new covenant centered on the blood and body of Christ is represented by
bread and wine. (Matthew 26, Luke 22)
Salt represented
hospitality and friendship and a common Arabic expression was, “There is salt
between us.” Salt also became a symbol of a truce between enemies as they
shared a dish of salt. Peace, friendship and a promise of God. Tomorrow we will
talk about salt in the New Testament and what it means for us. We are called to
be the salt of the earth.
Dear Lord,
We are fascinated with Your word. Teach us how to be salt and
light in the world and what that means. We thank You for the Holy Spirit’s
guiding today as we turn our minds to You.
In Jesus Name
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