Life with Jesus lifts us out of the depths, gives us a firm
place to stand and allows us to see a future filled with hope, a new life that
will last forever. To make all of this good news even better, He brings us into
fellowship with other believers to fulfill His purposes. We stand together.
Jesus calls us His body and we each play a valuable part. Just as our physical
body parts work in tandem, so, too, the body of Christ.
speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature
body of Him who is the head that is Christ. From Him the whole body, joined and
held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love,
as each part does its work. Ephesians
Jesus, the Head,
controls the entire body. Maybe you will be His eyes, seeing through to
someone’s hurt. You may speak the word of truth as a pastor or teacher. Are you
His hands willing to help others in a practical way or will you be His feel
traveling to other countries in mission?
The world places
high value on the red carpet, bright-white teeth, athletic prowess, academic
success, a new dress, a sports car, Wall Street. God places the highest value,
the greatest honor on the parts of His body that are hidden. (1 Corinthians
12:22-23) You want others to notice you? Are you trying to impress? How about
impressing God? How do we do that? I picture Jesus, smiling with Fatherly
pride, on the mom devoting her life to her special needs child, the 90-year-old
in the nursing home praying earnestly for her family, the mission worker in the
slums of India, weary, but carrying on, the grieving spouse tenderly caring for
his very sick wife, the bent-over man sharpening the pew pencils. The list goes
on. The world doesn’t notice, but God does.
We are God’s dwelling place on this earth and
together, the house grows stronger. We build each other up, we encourage, we
hold on through the tough times and we move on as we listen to the One in
charge. The house is built on Him. The house is built with love. He will show
you where, what when and how. Let’s do this. Stand strong as the body of
Christ. You are one of His most valuable parts.
Dear Jesus,
Show us our part of Your body. We want to serve, to build up
Your house until you return for us to take us to our true home. Help us to
honor Your quiet servants today.
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