Are you waiting for an answer to prayer? As you know, our
family has been through many months of uncertainty and fear as our grandson
travels through the journey of a rare type of epilepsy. Each time we are raised
in hope, more seizures return. The list of medications and the doses increase
and we wait again.
This stressful time
continues to take a toll on all of us, especially on our daughter, Lauren and
her husband, Garrett. Lauren has taken a leave from teaching and has been with
her boys every single day. All of us are surrounding their family with love and
support, and we return time and again to Jesus, His promises, and to prayer and
We ask “why?” Why this sweet boy? How can he continue to go
through this? What is the next step? Sleepless nights, emotional roller-coasters,
fear-filled thoughts are tough to work through right now. But what would we do
without Jesus? We go to the throne room of grace minute-by-minute. He gives us words
and hope through our friends and families. Songs and prayers appear at just
the right time.
Even last week with
the worst of the seizure activity, our son-in-law “just happened” to be off
work due to a delay in getting the job site ready. There have been small
blessings continually along the way and we savor the good days and we continue
to hope for a a miracle. We want the glory of God to shine through this so that
others may see, hear and learn about our God.
Is life perfect as
a Christian? Don’t believe the hype from the prosperity preachers. The Biblical
followers of God suffered greatly along the way. But God stepped in at just the
right moment. He fought as they stood waiting. God saved Israel through Esther.
The family line leading to Christ continued after Naomi lost her husband and
sons and her daughter-in-law embraced her faith, Mary gave birth to Jesus only
to lose Him as a young man (to save us all). His ways are mysterious and
miraculous and they are so much higher than ours.
And yet, we trust,
always and forever. For those of us in a time of uncertainty, let David help us
turn back to God in our time of distress.
By day the Lord directs His love, at night His
song is with me-a prayer to the God of my life. I say to God, my Rock, “Why
have you forgotten me? Why must I go about mourning, oppressed by the enemy? My
bones suffer mortal agony and my foes taunt me, saying to me all day long,
“Where is your God?” Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within
me? Put your trust in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God.
Psalm 42:8-11
Through the suffering and uncertain times, we will praise You.
Through the nights of anguish, we will cry out to You. We wait. You are working.
Keep us steadfast.
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