Tuesday, February 18, 2025



     Angels were created by God. (Colossians 1:16-17) There are different types of angels, all serving God’s purposes on earth and in heaven. Today and tomorrow, we will be introduced to two of the angels mentioned by name in the Bible, Gabriel and Michael.

    The name, “Gabriel” means “God is mighty.” God sends Gabriel to Daniel to give him insight and understanding and to interpret his visions. We know he can fly as Daniel mentions in chapter 9, verse 21, ...”he came swift in flight”… Daniel describes him as one like a man, but when he sees him, he is terrified and falls prostrate with his face to the ground.

     Seeing an angel is no every day, ordinary event, although they can take on human form, as we will discover later in our study. Just like Daniel, most angelic encounters in the Bible are met with fear and trembling. Zechariah and Mary are no exception.

     Gabriel appears 500 years later in the book of Luke, chapter 1.  We find Zechariah serving as a priest before God. His wife, Elizabeth has not been able to conceive and they are very old.

    An angel of the Lord appears and, just as we saw in the book of Daniel, Zechariah is startled and gripped with fear. (verse 12) The angel explains that their prayer for a child has been heard and they will have a son. They are to call him John.

    Zechariah finds this difficult to believe and Gabriel introduces himself and gives us a little more information about where he resides.

“The angel said to him, “I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you and to tell you this good news.” Luke 1:19

     Six months after his visit to John the Baptist’s father, Gabriel is sent to deliver more good news. The GOOD NEWS about the birth of Jesus to the virgin girl. Mary is greatly troubled.

But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God. Luke 1:30

     He continues to explain the birth through the Holy Spirit and just who this child will be. His last words to her are important for all of us.

“For no word from God will ever fail.”  Luke 1:37

     What do we know about Gabriel from these two books of the Bible?

·       He can fly.

·       He was sent as God’s messenger to bring good news, along with insight and understanding. The messages he delivers are prophetic, including visions of the last days and the fulfilling of prophecies in the births of John the Baptist and the Messiah, Jesus.

·       His appearance brings fear and trembling and yet he “looks like a man.”

·        He is immortal. His appearances to Zechariah and to Mary are 500 years after his appearance in the book of Daniel.

·       He stands in the presence of God.

     Tomorrow we will meet the arch angel, Michael.

Dear Lord,

Teach us to see with our spiritual eyes as we imagine the heavens full of Your angels. One day we will see them face to face just as we will see You.  Thank You for Your word. As the words from Gabriel remind us no word from You will ever fail.

In Jesus name.


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