Wednesday, February 5, 2025

What Would Jesus Do? Stop


     As we sit in our churches with the people who look just like us, who act like us, who dress like us, we forget about how Jesus lived His life. He was looked down upon by the religious leaders of His day. Why? He hung out with the outcasts. He spoke and loved the lepers. He ate with a tax collector. He forgave an adulterous woman.

But the Pharisees and the leaders of the law muttered, “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.” Luke 15:2

     A great reminder to all of us. He may ask us to get out of our comfort zones, to speak with someone from a different culture, from a different neighborhood, to stop along the way.

     Jesus stopped.

     As the crowds moved around him, as they followed behind Him wherever He went, He stopped. He stopped for the blind beggar. (Mark 10:46-63) He stopped for the woman with the bleeding disorder. (Luke 8:43-49) He stops for you and for me.

     Let’s remember to pause when we feel the nudge of the Holy Spirit, to speak, to listen, to offer comfort and hope where it is needed most.


Stop us along the way, to see and to listen and to open our hearts to those that others shun. You love us all.


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