I have been honored and blessed to have my husband in my life
for almost 40 years. He has put up with my blindness, my weaknesses, my quirks
and with the complete opposite parts of our personalities for a long time. He
continues to be my safe and happy place in this crazy world, my earthly
Together, we are
moving into what, not that long ago, we considered, “old age.” The cremation
plans have been made and paid for and we have given our daughters instructions.
The joints are beginning to ache and we are appreciating the blessings of each
and every day as we have said our earthly goodbyes to so many we love.
My husband loves
the movie, “The Great Escape,” starring Steve McQueen. As the prisoners in this
movie worked to escape the prison walls, they slowly dug a hole through the
floor of their cell. Little by little,
they placed the dug-up dirt in their pants legs and slowly let it out in the
prison yard. Since my husband knows Lake Nokomis continues to be a special
place for me, he said he could do the same with my ashes if I am the first to
go home to heaven. I’m down with that!
After our earthly
deaths, we will be in our ultimate happy places forever. In fact, Jesus tells
us he is preparing a place just for us! Maybe my mansion will include a lake
and, hopefully, a palm tree or two.
My Father’s house has many mansions. If it were
not so, would I have told you I am going there to prepare a place for you? And
if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with Me
where I am. John 14:2-3
Our earthly bodies
will wear out, but our eternal bodies will be ours forever in a place meant
just for us, our happy place, our eternal home.
Thank You for preparing the perfect spot for each of us. There
are days we can’t wait to be with You. In the meantime, keep us focused on what
is important to You.
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