Monday, December 23, 2013

A Rhyme for the Time

     Lights are strung. Stockings hung. Bells are rung. Carols are sung. Glitter is flung. Christmas has begun.

Remember the Son.

We are all on the run during the season of fun. Is your shopping done?

He is the One.

The story was told. It is still to unfold about a child from of old. Kings offer gold. He would grow to be bold.

For our sins He was sold.

Forgiveness came on that night. There was a star shining bright. Jesus is the light. He will come back full of might. He will remove your plight.

Let Him be your delight.

He was humble, meek and mild. He still has us beguiled. For us, He was defiled.

It’s all about the child.

You took our sin away. For all of our guilt You did pay. Let this rhyme fill every heart, reminding us of Your part. You are the Christmas story, and now you sit in glory. Your love is ours for the asking and one day we will be basking, In the light of the Son. Yes, You are the One. On the cross it was done. 
Jesus, please shine on us from above and shower us with Your love. On You we depend, we are Yours till the end.
We thank You.


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