Friday, January 26, 2018

January 25, A Date to Remember

     A common, everyday run-of-the-mill date at the end of the coldest month in January can suddenly, miraculously turn into a date forever etched in our hearts and minds. You may understand as this bleary-eyed and teary-eyed first-time grandmother shares the news.

     Gavin Anthony came into the world late last night, perfect in size, all ten fingers and toes wiggling for the proud mom and dad to see. Our precious daughter went through a tough labor, a soon-to-be-forgotten pain in the midst of witnessing this bundle of joy created in love.

     Our prayer from the time he was just a seed beginning to grow is that this child will know and understand the love of Jesus from an early age, that he will come to know His love, protection, compassion and to feel the strength and confidence He provides in a world that is not always easy or kind.

     Gavin, Jesus loves you and knows you more intimately than any of us including your mom and dad. (oh and by the way, you will soon come to know they will be the best mom and dad in the whole wide world.)

     And your grandparents and your aunts and uncles will continue to be your greatest cheerleaders. There’s so much love to go around for an incredible little guy like you. Welcome Gavin Anthony. You are precious and loved.

For You created my inmost being. You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful. I know that full well. Psalm 139:13-14

     Most wonderfully and fearfully made. Welcome to the world, Gavin. We love you today and always. January 25th, a date to treasure.


There are no words that can express our gratitude and thanksgiving for giving us this precious miracle, made in love. Our baby’s baby. We praise You from the bottom of our hearts, from the depths of our being. We are giddy with joy.

In Jesus name,


1 comment:

  1. Judy I have only known you over FB and through Audrey, but now I think I know you even better and just know how privileged that little guy is to have you as his loving Grandmother! Welcone to the club of joy with our Grandchildren!
